Newborn Baby Care Logs: Helpful Tools for Parents of Twins

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When I became a mother for the first time, I went from no babies to TWO babies! We had been blessed with twins!

It was twice the excitement, twice the love, twice the cuddles; but also, twice the stress and half the sleep as one baby! Premature babies meant feeding every two hours; but by the time we finished feeding, burping, and changing two babies, it was time to start all over again.

We were exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed!

Fortunately, we had some AMAZING NICU nurses that tried to prepare us for home life with two newborns. They provided us with a feeding and changing log that helped us to keep things a little more organized.

The one I’m sharing looks quite a bit different than the one they provided for us and a little more functional, in my opinion.

These are FREE and you are able to download them instantly by clicking below. The Newborn Care Log is available in gray. For the Twin Care Logs, you have a choice of three colors: gray, pink, & blue.

Download the free printable: Newborn Baby Care Log, here. Just enter your email address!

You can unsubscribe anytime.

One thing I learned as a new mother of twins, planning and preparation are EVERYTHING! I hope this helps you as you navigate this newborn stage!

If you have newborn twins (congratulations!) or are pregnant with twins and preparing for their birth, check out these links below for helpful tips!

Preparing For Twins: How to Make Life Easier with Two Newborns

Simple Tips When Sleep Training Twins

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